Get Motivated this Year

Get Motivated
M – Mind Must be in it
This is where it all begins. You have to realize that it is time for a change. Your mind is the willpower and your heart is the drive. You need to play the scenario over in your head that you are taking the first step. This step is up to you and is the only way you will improve your situation…sound mind to build a sound body.

O–Overcome all fears, excuses, and obstacles.

You are not the first person to make a change for the better and you won’t be the last. Set goals that are attainable and then progress from there. When this happens, you are on your way and nothing will stop you.

T–Take the first step.

Buy some workout clothes and tennis shoes, join my online support groups, a gym, recruit an accountability partner or coach. Whatever it takes to get you started on your path. You will find that this is the toughest step, but once you start feeling the benefits, you will realize you did the right thing.

I–Integrate health and fitness into your lifestyle.

Now that you’ve started, make it your routine. Just like eating and sleeping, make fitness part of your life. I’m not telling you to be obsessive about it, but make it a high priority in your life. Schedule it in as a regular activity and give it priority on that to-do list.

V–Value your existence.

What are you worth healthy vs. being sick? Realize what you are worth to your family and career. If you say I am too busy with work and your family to exercise, ask yourself this question, “What if I have a heart attack, become diabetic, get sick or become obese? What do I do then? What does my family do?” Taking care of yourself is money in the bank, and an investment for your later years. When you take care of you, everyone around you will benefit.

A–Appreciate how simple a healthy life can be.

If you are eating whole foods and exercising on a regular basis, I can guarantee that you are feeling better. If you are exercising properly, I guarantee you are moving better, standing taller, looking better, and performing everything in life at a higher level. Appreciate this–you worked for it.

T–Turn away from temptation.

It’s around every corner. Don’t totally deprive your self of treats and cheating once in a while, but don’t make it a habit. Keep it a rarity. I love sweets, so when I want cake or a cookie, I buy one piece or one cookie and eliminate the temptation of going back for seconds. Do not buy these treats in bulk. Don’t keep them in your house.

E–Exist on a different level.

People that do not live a health-conscious lifestyle see people that do as an oddity because we use food and exercise as our path to what I consider a functional existence. You will more than likely no longer need to rely on OTC drugs to alleviate joint pain, asthma, or indigestion. Your behavior associated health risks will decrease dramatically, your waistline will get smaller, you will have more energy, and you will definitely elevate your mood. You will exist on a different level. Contact me to help you make those new lifestyle changes!
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Diet Habits to Drop Now

Start your New Year off right! You might think some of these habits are helping you shed pounds, but could actually be sabotaging your weight loss and hurting your health. If you can drop these harmful habits, you might just become a healthy eater for life.

Skipping breakfast. Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day — especially for people who want to lose weight. It helps jump start your metabolism and gets your body started for the day.

Going on a juice cleanse. Long-term juice cleanses are one of the worst things you can do to your body if you want to shed pounds for good. The reason? While long-term cleanses will make you lose weight, it’s mostly water weight that you will gain back once you resume your normal eating habits. And it could trigger other health problems, as well, including an out-of-whack metabolism and irritability.

Filling up on diet soda drinks. If you’re turning to diet soda drinks for your fix, then you could actually be sabotaging your weight loss.
Drinking diet soda and other artificially sweetened beverages could be linked to weight gain, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. The reason? Your body might be confused by artificial sweeteners. Instead of diet drinks, try plain sparkling water for that fizzy full feeling.

Completely cutting out entire food groups. There is no magic bullet to weight loss, but for some people, elimination diets seem like a quick and easy way to feel in control of their bodies. Use the saying, everything in moderation. That way you won’t feel deprived or think you are “missing out” on any foods you want.

Opting for low-fat versions. The fat you eat isn’t really linked to weight gain and disease, instead, it’s the total amount of calories eaten, as well as “bad” fats like trans and saturated fats found in meat and processed foods, that seem to be linked to health problems. Not only is fat good for you in moderation, but labels like “low-fat” and “nonfat” actually trick people into eating more. Instead of assuming that low-fat or nonfat foods are automatically better for you, read the nutritional labels first. You might just find that low-fat or nonfat versions actually have more sugar or calories than the normal-fat foods.

Going hungry. For people who want to lose weight fast, dropping too many calories could actually be hurting you and confusing your body. If you want to lose weight and keep it off forever, you need a modest calorie restriction that you simply continue and never stop. There are many apps that you can put in your goals, weight and height that will calculate how many calories you need.

Thinking about it as a “diet” in the first place. People who prioritize and make lifestyle changes over diet, are the ones who keep it off long term. By making small, realistic and sustainable changes that you can carry on for the rest your life, as opposed to adopting dramatic, short-term diets can ultimately result in an unhealthy cycle of losing and gaining weight.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Healthy eating tips for Families

Here are the rules for a healthy house, no matter how busy you are.

1) Thou shalt eat meals at the table as a family whenever possible.
It does not matter if you only manage to achieve this once each week but the very simple coming together of families over food has a powerful health impact even above and beyond the basic nutritional benefits. Research has shown that families who sit down to enjoy a meal together on four occasions throughout the week have teens who perform better at school; who have higher levels of psycho-social functioning, and who are less likely to be depressed and abuse drugs and/or alcohol. Such findings would suggest that there is something very special about the way families communicate over a meal, so even if you can only mange it a couple of times during the week, sit down to eat dinner together as a family, with the television switched off.

2) Thou shalt be a good role model.
If you do not eat well and rarely exercise, is it surprising that your kids do not either? While a “do as I say, not as I do” approach may seem fair to you, the truth is that kids become like their parents, which basically means that if you are fit and healthy, your kids will be too. Start to look after your own body by feeding it good quality food and moving it regularly. Not only is this role modeling imperative when you have small children, it also means that your life and well being will be improved as you start to feel better, have more energy and keep your own weight under control.

3) Thou shalt only keep foods in the house that you want family members to eat.
Excuses like “but they are for guests”, or “only one of my children needs to watch their weight” are ignoring the fact that keeping poor quality, high fat, high calorie foods at home in large volumes basically means that you will eat them. If you don’t want your family to eat them, don’t buy them.

4) Thou shalt be an active family.
While shopping centers and the movies may be filled with families during weekends and school holidays, it should be remembered that the more recreational time that is spent outdoors, the better. Commit to getting outdoors and into nature as a family at least once a month and instil this appreciation in your own children so they too can pass a love of outdoor activities on to their own children.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Stay in Shape This Holiday Season

With the holidays in tow and New Year’s right around the corner, these next few days can still be very challenging. However, you don’t have to wait until January to begin making things right and getting back on track. Here are some tips that will help you to continue to enjoy your holiday to the fullest while not increasing your waistline.

1. Don’t Skip Meals

Eat a light, healthy meal a few hours before any holiday event. We often have the mentality of “saving” our calories so we can splurge on that special meal, but it can often backfire. If you go most of the day without eating, you will be more likely to overeat and choose unhealthy options. A great filling meal that will hold you over until your event should include both protein and fiber for extra staying power.

2. Choose Wisely

When you first arrive at a holiday event that provides food, scan your options first before digging in. If you plan to indulge, choose items that are only prepared on these special occasions but be sure to limit the portion. Also, don’t skimp on the fruits and vegetables–these will help you feel full and keep you from overeating the less healthy options.

3. Pay Attention

It is easy to overeat at holiday gatherings since there is usually a variety of foods. Eat slowly and listen to your hunger cues. If you are truly not hungry, avoid second helpings.

4. Limit Liquid Calories

To help keep your liquid calories in check, alternate water and an alcoholic or sweetened beverage. You will be sure to stay hydrated and not go overboard on the calories. Wine is a good option that can be sipped. If you are looking for a mixed drink, vodka, lime, and seltzer water is another great low-calorie option. Always choose the lighter alcohol over the darker ones as they have less calories.

5. Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Whether it is leftover holiday cookies or a cheesy casserole brought over by your aunt, keep in mind the saying “out of sight, out of mind.” If these items are accessible to you, it makes you more likely to choose them. Limiting treats and unhealthy leftovers at home is a great way to maintain your weight during the holidays. You can always donate the food or bring it to work for others to have.

6. Come Prepared

When trying to eat healthy around the holidays, it can be difficult to avoid the many temptations. If you are attending a potluck, take a low calorie dish so that you have at least one healthy choice. Good options include a vegetable platter, fruit platter, hummus, black bean dip, or air-popped popcorn with a sprinkle of your favorite seasoning.

7. Stay Active

With cooler temperatures outside, it might be more difficult to get outside and be active. Try to incorporate time with family and friends by looking into an activity you can all enjoy. Holiday-themed races over the season are a big hit among many. Just keep moving and getting your steps in and find things you enjoy doing!
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling This Holiday Season

With the holidays here, you may be gearing up for a vacation with family or friends. But that doesn’t mean you should stop eating nutritiously or getting regular exercise! With some planning and preparation ahead of time, you can stay on track with your weight-loss goals and still enjoy your getaway. Before you get going, add these tips to your travel checklist.

Fuel up on a healthy meal before you leave
When you eat a wholesome meal before you start your trip, you’ll be less tempted to buy a bag of potato chips or a candy bar along the way. If you’re traveling in the morning, make sure you eat a nutritious, filling breakfast. If you’re leaving in the afternoon or evening, pack easy to take sandwiches with you on the plane before you go or in a small cooler for the car.

Traveling can play havoc with your meal plan and cause you to make impulsive food choices. To keep cravings for sugars and refined starches at bay, it’s important not to skip meals or snacks. Some healthy snacks that you can bring from home are individual hummus cups with celery sticks, bell peppers, and carrots, hard-boiled eggs, fat-free or low-fat yogurt with nuts, air popped popcorn, Vitatops, Quest or Kashi bars, fresh fruits, and lean reduced-sodium ham or turkey slices and reduced-fat cheese slices roll-ups.

Buy healthy ready-to-eat foods on the road.
If you don’t have time to prepare healthy snacks or meals before a car trip, look for assorted dry-roasted nut mixes, part-skim mozzarella cheese sticks, whole-wheat wraps made with lean chicken and turkey breast and reduced-fat cheese, canned fruit packed in natural juices, air-popped popcorn or turkey jerky. Be sure to store items that need refrigeration in a cooler in your car and later in the mini-fridge where you’re staying.

Make time to exercise
Whether you’re sightseeing, skiing, or cruising in the Caribbean, be sure to squeeze in a workout when you can. Many major hotel and motel chains now have gyms, while cruise lines offer workout rooms and a wide variety of classes. You can also exercise in your room (pack portable exercise bands or your own workout Beachbody DVDs).

Be choosy when dining out
When you’re on vacation, chances are you’ll be dining out often. Before you head out, do some research on nearby restaurants that offer the healthiest options. Be sure to read over the descriptions of the dishes that you are considering on the menu and don’t be afraid to ask the server how a dish is prepared. Ask to have salad dressings and sauces on the side; skip the bread basket; substitute steamed vegetables for white potatoes or white rice; opt for grilled, sautéed, or baked items over fried foods; and ask if the chef would be willing to prepare your meal without butter, using extra-virgin olive oil instead. Remember, everything in moderation! Be safe and have fun! – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Have a Healthier Holiday

We look forward to the holiday season all year long, eager to celebrate with friends and family, attend social events and, of course, enjoy each delectable spreads of food. But too much indulgent eating in a short amount of time can have consequences that last long after!

Get out your calendar
Look at the month ahead and all the holiday meals and parties. Record them in your calendar to be aware of overly tempting food days. Eat lightly at other meals to offset the calories and fat in the party food.

Don’t look at the holidays as a “season”
Doing so causes you to justify more overeating more often. Think of having special treats and large meals only on the actual days you hold your celebration.

Don’t skip meals
Skipping meals often leads to overeating later.

Stay on track
Realize all of the food choices are not going to be the most healthy choices. Enjoy the moment, but then get right back on track. Everything in moderation.

Plan for exercise and activity
A common theme at the holidays is increased food intake and less time for exercise and activity. Schedule time each day to exercise to avoid weight gain. You will feel so much better too!

Work for it
Balance holiday eating with more activity by altering your daily routine. Park farther away from an entrance, use the stairs, and plan shorter time frames for working out so you can squeeze them into busy schedules. Even 15 or 30 minutes of activity is effective. Find ways to increase your steps overall in your daily schedule.

Know your limits
Keep in mind it’s not one or two meals or even one or two days that cause weight gain. It’s usually constant overeating for an extended period of time.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

More Holiday Tips to Stay on Your Healthy Track

Here are a few tips to live by this holiday season:
Holiday weight gain doesn’t have to be inevitable. People can gain anywhere from one to 10 pounds in the short time period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. This holiday weight gain is completely avoidable if you just adjust your mind-set for the holiday season. Fill up on the healthy stuff, then enjoy those side dishes you consider “must-haves” in moderation. Or, do you just love your mom’s pumpkin cheesecake that she makes only once a year? Plan to eat a small slice for dessert, and skip some of those other fatty dishes that you can live without. For New Year’s Eve, why don’t you offer to be the designated driver? By not drinking, you’ll save yourself calories.

Abandoning your fitness and diet plans for even just a few weeks can be disastrous. Remember how sore you were after your first workout? Think of all the progress you’ve made since then. By taking even just two to three weeks off, you’re setting yourself back and putting yourself at risk of losing the muscle you’ve gained. Plus, once you’ve gotten set in your routine, it’s harder to get back into it after you’ve fallen off track. It takes minimally 21 days to develop a habit! The key to tackling both your fitness and diet plans during the holiday season is to plan to stick to them as much as you can. Granted, you may not be perfect, but you should never throw in the towel. Sure, you may miss a workout because you are traveling or attending a work or family gathering. It’s okay as long as you make sure your workout happens the next day. It’s all about eating your favorite things in moderation and making sure you commit to your workouts whenever you can fit them in.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. The best way to avoid falling completely off track is to plan ahead of time what you’ll eat and when you’ll exercise. Take a look at your week and pencil in your “can’t-miss” events, then see where you can find some extra time for fitness. When it comes to eating clean, the one rule I live by during the holiday season is to avoid attending any event hungry. Always have a satisfying snack beforehand — and, if appropriate, bring along a healthy dish that you can munch on to distract yourself from the calorie-laden items.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Kick Your Junk Food Habit

Many American’s are addicted to junk food. Who can ever eat just one chip or french fry? If you’ve got the junk food habit, now’s the time to kick it by paying closer attention to what triggers that impulse and strategize for keeping junk food out of your life—for good.

Don’t let your emotions rule.
We all know that it isn’t just hunger that makes us reach for unhealthy snacks. Our emotions often play a role in the food choices we make when. If you reach for the cookie jar when you’re stressed, depressed, lonely, or even happy be aware of that. Before putting that cookie in your mouth, ask yourself, “Is this really going to make me feel better?” Sometimes just taking a moment to stop and think is all you need to walk away.

Avoid mindless eating.
Do you find yourself plowing through a gallon of ice cream while watching TV, or munching on a bottomless bag of chips at your desk? These mindless eating habits only add more fuel to your junk food habit. Start by removing unhealthy foods from your desk and home completely and permanently. Then stock up on healthy snacks like small bags of nuts, some whole-grain cereal, and natural peanut butter to enjoy midmorning and midafternoon.

Fill up on fiber.
Eating a high-fiber diet that includes vegetables and fruits, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains can help stabilize your blood sugar and keep cravings for sugary and starchy junk food at bay.

Watch out when you’re out.
Social settings, like parties, a night out with friends, and office happy hours can pose a challenge for sticking to a healthy meal plan. Noshing on potato chips, fried mozzarella sticks, cheese cubes, or French fries only causes cravings for more junk food. Best bet: Eat a protein and fiber rich snack before you go out and learn the words, “No thanks.”

Curb your cravings with exercise.
If you’re about to succumb to junk food, take a walk outside or pop in a dance DVD. Getting some exercise will not only keep your mind off those unhealthy snacks, it will help curb your hunger.

Don’t buy junk food in the first place.
If you don’t have junk food in the house or office, you can’t reach for it. Schedule a monthly clean-up in your home to remove any junk food that may have sneaked in. Avoid buying candies, chips, cookies, and other processed packaged foods at the grocery. Hit the produce aisle instead!

Skip food rewards.
You should definitely celebrate all your diet successes, but that doesn’t mean you should treat yourself to a pint of ice cream as a reward. There are plenty of ways to recognize your accomplishments without sabotaging your positive weight loss efforts. Treat yourself to massage or facial or buy yourself a flattering new outfit or pair of workout shoes instead.

Satisfy with healthy substitutes.
Whether you’re craving something crunchy, creamy, salty, or sweet, there’s a guilt-free snack for you. Instead of potato chips, enjoy baked sweet potato chips. Instead of indulging in ice cream, try cutting up some banana slices and freezing them. Then, puree them in a blender with some no-sugar-added natural peanut butter and bittersweet chocolate chips. The result is a creamy frozen treat.

For more tips and motivation, visit my Facebook page and be a fan!
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

No “saving” calories. Don’t cut down or starve all day to enjoy a party at night. Skipping your breakfast and lunch is not a good way to avoid weight gain. In fact, if you wait all day to eat, you’ll probably find yourself eating twice as much when you finally get to the party because you’re so hungry! Additionally, you may find yourself experiencing a drop in blood sugar, lack of energy and lack of concentration – which don’t exactly make for a fun party guest.

Eat protein-rich snacks; try a Shakeology® shake, a hard boiled egg, peanut butter with an apple or celery or a handful of nuts before you head out to a holiday party. Taking the edge off your hunger with healthy snacks will help keep you full and help you avoid eating large portions later.

Try the “move and mingle” approach. Use holiday parties as an opportunity to socialize with your friends. Keep walking around and don’t stop for too long – and certainly don’t stop next to the chips and dips, or buffet table! Walking does count as exercise, so the more you move, the better.

Dance! Let loose and dance off any extra party calories. The added bonus is that the more time you spend dancing, the less time you will spend eating – and you get to hang out and have fun with your friends while you do it!

Maintain your routine. Don’t skip your workouts just because you’re on vacation. The best thing you can do is try to keep your exercise routine intact. I know as well as anyone how easy it is to forget healthy eating habits during the holidays, but if you can at least keep your workouts going, it will help prevent holiday weight gain.

Watch your drinks. Try to avoid drinking too many sugary drinks. It’s amazing how many calories can be hiding in a simple holiday punch, with or without alcohol. Also for every drink you do have, have a glass of water to stay hydrated.

Maximize your time with a quick fix. If time is tight, try to do a quick 10-minute workout routine like Beachbody’s 10 minute trainer or one like Focus T25 or P90X3 that you can get in under 30 minutes. Simple, interval-style exercises will help burn some calories and keep you toned up over the holidays.

Don’t shop online. Shopping online and sitting in front of your computer screen doesn’t burn the same amount of calories as regular shopping. Walking around the shops and carrying bags or boxes can double as a workout, so get shopping!

Make every minute count. Look for opportunities to get a little bit more active every day during the holidays. Take the stairs, park in the furthest spot from the store, get outside and go for a walk or even try a snowball fight depending on where you live!

Get started today. Don’t wait until January 1st to start your exercise plan. The sooner you get started with your active, healthy routine, the sooner you’ll begin meeting your health goals. And what greater gift is there than that? New challenge groups forming now with online support, accountability and motivation to help you reach your goals. Email me today to talk!
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Stress less during the Holidays

The holiday season brings plenty of joy, but it can also be a bit crazy-making. A hectic holiday schedule that’s packed with parties, family gatherings, and last-minute shopping can easily become a recipe for stress that can also interfere with your health and your weight loss. It’s important to take measures to keep stress to a minimum whenever possible — especially during the holidays. Sticking with your healthy eating and exercise plan is a great start, but here are some other strategic tips to minimize stress and maintain your holiday cheer this season.

Don’t skip meals or snacks.
No matter how busy you get this holiday season, never skip your healthy meals or snacks. Eating regularly stabilizes your blood sugar and keeps you energized. Be sure to keep a healthy snacks stashed in your bag to nibble on in case you hit a slump during your holiday shopping trips.

Stay active.
When you exercise, your brain releases chemicals that can help relieve the effects of stress. Aim for at least 20-30 minutes of aerobic or core-strengthening exercise most days of the week. Fit fitness in whenever you can. Get up a half hour earlier and do an at-home exercise routine or a Beachbody program or devote part of your lunch break to taking a power walk. Why not get a few co-workers to join you or join in one of my online support groups to stay more accountable and motivated too!

Get enough sleep.
When you’re well rested, it is easier to stay in control of your emotions and cope with stressful situations. Eliminate any distractions, turn off the TV, shut down your computer and smartphone, and if necessary, set a bedtime alarm to alert you when it’s time to turn in.

Practice relaxation or meditation.
Spend a dedicated amount of time each day doing some stretching, yoga poses, deep breathing exercises, or simply taking some time out to listen to soothing music, read a book, or take a relaxing bath. This should help you wind down and collect your thoughts while promoting an overall sense of well-being. A little time to yourself may be all you need to recharge your batteries and tackle any remaining your holiday errands.

Manage your to-do list.
Chances are you can’t make every party, enjoy every holiday activity, or visit with every relative this holiday season, so decide what your priorities will be and graciously decline everything else. If something unexpected comes up, make time for it by eliminating another engagement in your agenda. Plan ahead, create a budget, make a shopping list, and research your purchases in advance. Shop online when possible. Prep and bake whatever you can for holiday meals in advance. Line up some helpers for gift-wrapping, meal contributions, party prep, and clean-up.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!