Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

No “saving” calories. Don’t cut down or starve all day to enjoy a party at night. Skipping your breakfast and lunch is not a good way to avoid weight gain. In fact, if you wait all day to eat, you’ll probably find yourself eating twice as much when you finally get to the party because you’re so hungry! Additionally, you may find yourself experiencing a drop in blood sugar, lack of energy and lack of concentration – which don’t exactly make for a fun party guest.

Eat protein-rich snacks; try a Shakeology® shake, a hard boiled egg, peanut butter with an apple or celery or a handful of nuts before you head out to a holiday party. Taking the edge off your hunger with healthy snacks will help keep you full and help you avoid eating large portions later.

Try the “move and mingle” approach. Use holiday parties as an opportunity to socialize with your friends. Keep walking around and don’t stop for too long – and certainly don’t stop next to the chips and dips, or buffet table! Walking does count as exercise, so the more you move, the better.

Dance! Let loose and dance off any extra party calories. The added bonus is that the more time you spend dancing, the less time you will spend eating – and you get to hang out and have fun with your friends while you do it!

Maintain your routine. Don’t skip your workouts just because you’re on vacation. The best thing you can do is try to keep your exercise routine intact. I know as well as anyone how easy it is to forget healthy eating habits during the holidays, but if you can at least keep your workouts going, it will help prevent holiday weight gain.

Watch your drinks. Try to avoid drinking too many sugary drinks. It’s amazing how many calories can be hiding in a simple holiday punch, with or without alcohol. Also for every drink you do have, have a glass of water to stay hydrated.

Maximize your time with a quick fix. If time is tight, try to do a quick 10-minute workout routine like Beachbody’s 10 minute trainer or one like Focus T25 or P90X3 that you can get in under 30 minutes. Simple, interval-style exercises will help burn some calories and keep you toned up over the holidays.

Don’t shop online. Shopping online and sitting in front of your computer screen doesn’t burn the same amount of calories as regular shopping. Walking around the shops and carrying bags or boxes can double as a workout, so get shopping!

Make every minute count. Look for opportunities to get a little bit more active every day during the holidays. Take the stairs, park in the furthest spot from the store, get outside and go for a walk or even try a snowball fight depending on where you live!

Get started today. Don’t wait until January 1st to start your exercise plan. The sooner you get started with your active, healthy routine, the sooner you’ll begin meeting your health goals. And what greater gift is there than that? New challenge groups forming now with online support, accountability and motivation to help you reach your goals. Email me today to talk!
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Most Common Excuses

No. 1: I don’t have time.
Make Time.

Wake up a little earlier than normal a few days per week and get it done. If you plan ahead, you can find the time.

No. 2: I’m too tired.
It will actually give you a boost.

Studies show that regular exercise can improve mood, boost energy levels and enhance your sense of well-being. If you schedule your workout as you do other parts of your life, eventually it will become a habit.

No. 3: I’m not fat, so I don’t need to exercise.
Yes you still do.

Weight loss is primarily about diet; exercise is about internal health and fitness. Studies show life expectancy is connected to cardiovascular exercise and resistance training.

No. 4: I don’t know where to start.
Start as a beginner.

Educate yourself. Work with a personal trainer or coach and identify areas of weakness to start focusing on strengthening.

No. 5: My (name of body part) hurts.
Modify with an injury.

Even though you have limiting conditions as knee or shoulder trouble you still need to move and to strengthen the areas around the injured body part. What you don’t use, you lose!

No. 6: I can’t afford it.
You can’t not afford it!

I bet there are expenses you can cut. – Going out to eat? Drinking? Specialty coffees? Extra things you bought on the fly?
You can usually cut out one bad habit in order to make it affordable whether you use a gym or you exercise at home.

No. 7: I’m too old.
You are never too old to start.
If you can breathe, you can do yoga. The key is to never stop moving. There’s always something you can do. You can modify any exercise and you can always walk!
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!