Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

No “saving” calories. Don’t cut down or starve all day to enjoy a party at night. Skipping your breakfast and lunch is not a good way to avoid weight gain. In fact, if you wait all day to eat, you’ll probably find yourself eating twice as much when you finally get to the party because you’re so hungry! Additionally, you may find yourself experiencing a drop in blood sugar, lack of energy and lack of concentration – which don’t exactly make for a fun party guest.

Eat protein-rich snacks; try a Shakeology® shake, a hard boiled egg, peanut butter with an apple or celery or a handful of nuts before you head out to a holiday party. Taking the edge off your hunger with healthy snacks will help keep you full and help you avoid eating large portions later.

Try the “move and mingle” approach. Use holiday parties as an opportunity to socialize with your friends. Keep walking around and don’t stop for too long – and certainly don’t stop next to the chips and dips, or buffet table! Walking does count as exercise, so the more you move, the better.

Dance! Let loose and dance off any extra party calories. The added bonus is that the more time you spend dancing, the less time you will spend eating – and you get to hang out and have fun with your friends while you do it!

Maintain your routine. Don’t skip your workouts just because you’re on vacation. The best thing you can do is try to keep your exercise routine intact. I know as well as anyone how easy it is to forget healthy eating habits during the holidays, but if you can at least keep your workouts going, it will help prevent holiday weight gain.

Watch your drinks. Try to avoid drinking too many sugary drinks. It’s amazing how many calories can be hiding in a simple holiday punch, with or without alcohol. Also for every drink you do have, have a glass of water to stay hydrated.

Maximize your time with a quick fix. If time is tight, try to do a quick 10-minute workout routine like Beachbody’s 10 minute trainer or one like Focus T25 or P90X3 that you can get in under 30 minutes. Simple, interval-style exercises will help burn some calories and keep you toned up over the holidays.

Don’t shop online. Shopping online and sitting in front of your computer screen doesn’t burn the same amount of calories as regular shopping. Walking around the shops and carrying bags or boxes can double as a workout, so get shopping!

Make every minute count. Look for opportunities to get a little bit more active every day during the holidays. Take the stairs, park in the furthest spot from the store, get outside and go for a walk or even try a snowball fight depending on where you live!

Get started today. Don’t wait until January 1st to start your exercise plan. The sooner you get started with your active, healthy routine, the sooner you’ll begin meeting your health goals. And what greater gift is there than that? New challenge groups forming now with online support, accountability and motivation to help you reach your goals. Email me today to talk!
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

How to Break a Plateau

Plateau. That dreaded word that you do not want to hear, let alone experience. We have all experienced a plateau at some time all of a sudden you stop losing weight or you just cant seem to run any faster. When you hit a plateau, don’t panic. It doesn’t necessarily mean you need to work harder or spend more days at the gym.

How to Break Through A PLATEAU:

Take an Active Rest- Active rest rejuvenates the mind and the body and allows for overworked muscles to rest and rebuild.

Eat Properly-As you increase your fitness level, your body’s metabolism may increase and so will your calorie needs.

Mix It Up-If you do not vary your workout routine your body will eventually run on cruise control, and you will experience a plateau. Changes in your routine will surprise the body and force it to adapt, bringing you to new levels of fitness.

Different Day, Different Intensity-Varying your activities, specify different days of the week as low, moderate or high-intensity days. Try interval training work at a low intensity for a couple of minutes and increase to a high intensity for a couple of minutes, and repeat.

Get Enough Sleep-Be sure you are getting enough sleep. Getting the right amount of sleep for your body will allow time for your muscles to recover from exercise
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Date Night Tips to Stay on Track

Eating healthy while eating out is all about one word: preparation. Avoid “all-you-can-eat” places. More diets go here to die than any other type of restaurant. Don’t decide to eat out on the spur of the moment, make plans and account for it during the rest of the day’s menu planning.

Sometimes, the battle is lost before we even open the door. All it takes is a few minutes. Go to the restaurant’s website to find a menu and look it over. If you decide what you want to eat before you leave the house you’re not tempted by the menu at the restaurant. Know what you can afford to spend out of your calorie budget – but don’t starve yourself, it’ll only court temptation.

This is when much of our mindless munching happens, we can see and smell the food all around us, and we’re usually at our hungriest. Bread baskets, rolls, or tortilla chips can be bottomless pits of calories. Order water right away and start sipping. Much of what we mistake as hunger is often merely thirst. Dessert menus, with huge, tasty close-ups of caloric landmines are on the table for a reason. Even if it’s a tabletop display, give it to your server.

Many people stumble at this stage because they make split-second decisions and rationalize away poor choices. Don’t ever be shy about asking questions or making requests. The food is every bit as important as the setting, so make sure it’s what you want. Try ordering menu items a la carte. Platters, combos and meals may come with extras you might not want. Don’t feel rushed into making a hasty decision. Just because your server is in a hurry, doesn’t mean you have to be. When you’ve made a healthy decision, stop looking at the menu. Take your time, and enjoy.

Don’t fill up on these calorie loaded starters that can be a meal on their own! Avoid anything fried or breaded, and be wary of any item that comes with a dip. If you do end up with something breaded, peel off the coating; much of the fat usually resides here.

It’s much better to fill up on leafy greens at the beginning of your meal after all, than munching on those last few dozen french fries on your plate. Always get your salad dressings on the side. Instead of pouring it on top, dip your fork in the dressing before taking a bite. Avoid creamy soups like chowder or bisque, which can be loaded with fat and calories. Instead, try broth-based soups, like beef barley or the classics like chicken noodle or vegetable.

Entrees are the biggest collection of calories. Still, there is no need to sacrifice fulfillment and taste for the sake of eating lighter. You are usually safe with this course if you simply make good choices in two areas: preparation methods and sauces.
• Bad preparation words = breaded, buttered, fried, scalloped
• Good preparation words = grilled, baked, steamed, broiled, stir-fried, roasted, blackened.

Order as many vegetable options as possible. Steamed, stewed or boiled veggies are best, with little or no added butter or oil. Potato options are good too. Stick with baked, boiled or roasted potatoes instead of fried potatoes, such as chips, fries or hash browns. Sweet potatoes are better options than white potatoes. Bottom line: try to never dine out without at least one vegetable on your plate.

Dining out is not a race, or a contest, it’s a chance to enjoy yourself and a good meal. Guilt can ruin everything. You can choose to not feel guilty, or you can give yourself less to feel guilty about. A few small eating strategies will make your experience away from home a positive one and help you build momentum for next time.
• Eat your lowest calorie items first. Vegetables are always a good place to start.
• Eat the amount you would eat at home. Just because it’s on your plate, it doesn’t mean you have to eat more.
• Eat slowly, take your time. Enjoy and savor one bite at a time. Put your fork down between bites, or take a sip of water.
• Concentrate on the conversation, not your food. If you’re talking, it takes longer to eat and helps you feel full before stuffing yourself.
• When half of your food is gone, stop a moment and ask yourself this question: “Am I hungry?” It sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how often the answer is “no.”

You’ve done so well so far, don’t mess it up now! A healthy meal is something to build on, not an excuse to splurge on a triple fudge brownie volcano. Total dessert deprivation doesn’t work in the long run. The key is to find smart ways to enjoy a little bit. One cookie isn’t going to derail your entire program. Share a dessert with others or order fruit so satisfy your sweet tooth. If you absolutely have to have something and you can’t find another alternative, plain ice cream isn’t horrible. Just keep it to one scoop and plan to add some extra exercise to balance it out.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!