How to Break a Plateau

Plateau. That dreaded word that you do not want to hear, let alone experience. We have all experienced a plateau at some time all of a sudden you stop losing weight or you just cant seem to run any faster. When you hit a plateau, don’t panic. It doesn’t necessarily mean you need to work harder or spend more days at the gym.

How to Break Through A PLATEAU:

Take an Active Rest- Active rest rejuvenates the mind and the body and allows for overworked muscles to rest and rebuild.

Eat Properly-As you increase your fitness level, your body’s metabolism may increase and so will your calorie needs.

Mix It Up-If you do not vary your workout routine your body will eventually run on cruise control, and you will experience a plateau. Changes in your routine will surprise the body and force it to adapt, bringing you to new levels of fitness.

Different Day, Different Intensity-Varying your activities, specify different days of the week as low, moderate or high-intensity days. Try interval training work at a low intensity for a couple of minutes and increase to a high intensity for a couple of minutes, and repeat.

Get Enough Sleep-Be sure you are getting enough sleep. Getting the right amount of sleep for your body will allow time for your muscles to recover from exercise
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