Surviving the Holidays

You can stick to your weight-loss program during the holidays, and I’m going to give you a few tips on how to do it.

Never arrive at a party hungry. Eat beforehand so you aren’t tempted by all the foods.

When you’re at a party, don’t hang out by the food. Socialize in another room entirely if you can — make the holidays about good company and conversation.

Take matters into your own hands. Bring a healthy dish to a party or event so you know that at least one item won’t be filled with fat and calories. Don’t worry — this is not offensive! It’s a thoughtful gift for the host or hostess, and proactive on your part.

Don’t binge, but do indulge a tiny bit. You can’t totally deprive yourself or you’ll be miserable. Trying to abstain completely from treats, not only during the holidays but in your everyday life, is a surefire recipe for disaster.

However, give yourself limits — have one treat, and work it into your calorie allowance for the day. As one of my clients had a great 3 bite rule – 1st bite to try, 2nd bite to confirm and 3rd bite to say goodbye!

When you’re out of town or away from home, DO NOT stop exercising. Bring your Beachbody exercise DVDs with you when you travel, or pack resistance bands in your luggage so you can continue to tone up on the road. Locate a nearby gym and pay the nominal fee to work out during the time you’re away. Whatever it takes — just keep moving!

Incorporate the whole family. Get a game of touch football going, play tag with the kids, go cross-country skiing — whatever encourages your family to get outdoors and be healthy together.

Head games:
Avoid saboteurs. If a particular member of your family always brings you down or ridicules your lifestyle decisions, avoid him or her! Limit your conversation with that person. If friends or relatives can’t be supportive of you and your weight-loss goals, don’t share the details of your life with them.
When it comes to family members who push food on you, be prepared to hold firm. This is about doing something for you, so don’t worry about pleasing everybody else. Communicate with your loved ones ahead of time about your effort to lose weight and your desire for their support, and teach them how to help you.

Bring motivational material with you if you’re walking into temptation. I always have my clients reading personal development books to keep them motivated and positive on their journeys. Keep a picture of you at a slimmer time or even a celebrity photo at hand to keep you inspired.

All of that said, if you do fall off the wagon, what’s the worst-case scenario? You’ll gain some weight back. This is not a tragedy. Hang in there. Give yourself a little credit — any pound gained is a pound that can be lost. Do NOT beat yourself up — just get back to work!

Happy holidays, guys!
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Have a Healthier Holiday

We look forward to the holiday season all year long, eager to celebrate with friends and family, attend social events and, of course, enjoy each delectable spreads of food. But too much indulgent eating in a short amount of time can have consequences that last long after!

Get out your calendar
Look at the month ahead and all the holiday meals and parties. Record them in your calendar to be aware of overly tempting food days. Eat lightly at other meals to offset the calories and fat in the party food.

Don’t look at the holidays as a “season”
Doing so causes you to justify more overeating more often. Think of having special treats and large meals only on the actual days you hold your celebration.

Don’t skip meals
Skipping meals often leads to overeating later.

Stay on track
Realize all of the food choices are not going to be the most healthy choices. Enjoy the moment, but then get right back on track. Everything in moderation.

Plan for exercise and activity
A common theme at the holidays is increased food intake and less time for exercise and activity. Schedule time each day to exercise to avoid weight gain. You will feel so much better too!

Work for it
Balance holiday eating with more activity by altering your daily routine. Park farther away from an entrance, use the stairs, and plan shorter time frames for working out so you can squeeze them into busy schedules. Even 15 or 30 minutes of activity is effective. Find ways to increase your steps overall in your daily schedule.

Know your limits
Keep in mind it’s not one or two meals or even one or two days that cause weight gain. It’s usually constant overeating for an extended period of time.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Nutrition tips and alternative items for those favorite Thanksgiving and fall foods:

If you are trying to lose weight or just keep from gaining, these next few weeks can be rough. The good news is there are plenty of healthy foods that are commonly served this time of year. You just need to know which variations are naughty to your diet and which will be nice.

Apples: Fall brings apples, which are a great source of fiber. Eating apples can help lower cholesterol and help prevent heart disease.

Naughty: Apple pies; turnovers; sweetened applesauce; caramel or candied apples

Nice: Unsweetened applesauce; Waldorf salads; raw apples; using unsweetened applesauce to replace fat in baked goods

Beans: Green beans are often on the menu for holiday meals. Unfortunately, they are usually in the form of a creamy casserole.

Naughty: Green bean casserole

Nice: Steamed or sautéed green beans with olive oil, lemon and almonds

Chocolate: What’s a holiday without chocolate? It has a lot of calories, fat and sugar.

Naughty: Chocolate-covered raisins, marshmallows or other candies; milk chocolate

Nice: Dark chocolate dipped fruits

Cranberries: They are loaded with vitamin C and cancer-preventing antioxidants.

Naughty: Jellied canned cranberry sauce

Nice: Fresh cranberry relish; dried cranberries

Pecans: Nuts are a good source of protein, Vitamin E and monounsaturated fats. Nuts are part of a heart-healthy diet. Beware, though, because they do have a lot of calories.

Naughty: Pecan pie

Nice: Raw or roasted spiced pecans.

Pumpkin: This dark orange vegetable is packed full of vitamins and fiber.
Naughty: Pumpkin pie; pumpkin breads or bars

Nice: Crust-less pumpkin pie or pudding; using pumpkin to replace fat in baked goods; using pumpkin in savory soups and main dishes

Turkey: Turkey is an excellent source of protein, and skinless turkey breast has the least amount of fat per serving among all meats.

Naughty: Turkeys that have been injected with a sodium solution or artificial flavorings; turkey gravy made with pan drippings; turkey skin

Nice: Breast meat has less fat and calories than dark meat, but not significantly lower; read labels and choose a turkey that is free of any additives; don’t eat the skin

Stuffing: Many consider stuffing to be more important to the meal than the turkey. Tweaking your recipe can make this dish much healthier.

Naughty: Typical stuffing made with white bread, lots of butter, chopped giblets and meat drippings cooked inside the bird

Nice: Use whole-grain or wheat bread, defatted drippings, cut the butter, eliminate the giblet meat. Add some dried fruits, like cranberries, raisins, or apricots. Cook in a casserole dish, rather than stuffed in the turkey.

Sweet Potatoes or Yams: Another powerhouse vegetable full of fiber, beta-carotene, Vitamin C and potassium

Naughty: Candied sweet potatoes; canned sweet potatoes

Nice: Baked sweet potato (sprinkle with a little brown sugar and cinnamon, if you must); roasted sweet potato chunks; mashed sweet potatoes

There are a couple of important but simple things to remember to help you prevent weight gain during the holidays. First, keep your portions in check. Go ahead and have some of those special yummy foods, but just take a small portion. Second, keep up with your regular exercises and even add a few minutes more to make up for the extra calories.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Commandments for Your Fitness and Health

1. Thou Shalt Not Eat My Neighbor’s Cake
Control your portions and stop eating so much. You don’t need more. You had yours, and you don’t need another serving. Portion control is key to a healthy life. Eat less.

2. Thou Shalt Not Seek Out Shortcuts
Pills, powders, diets? Please. You might be sent to Health and Fitness Hell.

3. Thou Shalt Listen to My Body
Missing work ’cause you’re sick? Just feeling tired and runned down? Your body speaks to you. These are signs, the small jabs to the chin. The next messages are uppercuts like diabetes and heart disease. And they hurt. Listen early, and make changes as soon as possible, or the knockout punch is coming.

4. Thou Shalt Drink Water
Energy drinks, fruit juices, fizzy and sports drinks – don’t drink it. Toughen up by putting water in your body. Water works and the body was meant for it.

5. Thou Shalt Lose Weight
Obesity costs the U.S. billions per year. Lose some weight before diabetes becomes the common cold. Yes, you can do it!

6. Thou Shalt Not Seek Perfection
Be healthy and be happy – aim to look good in your best pair of jeans and a shirt. That’s the goal, and we can all get there.

7. Thou Shalt Control Your Booze
Be classy, not a drunken sailor. Know your limits for these empty calories.

8. Thou Shalt Exercise
Be active any way you can! Our bodies were meant to move. Sweat, swear, laugh, and get moving. You must exercise.

9. Thou Shalt Not Make Excuses
I don’t have time. I don’t have the energy. Nothing works for me. Excuses, excuses! Move your body. Feed your body with healthy food. Find a way to get it done.

10. Thou Shalt Cut the BS
Turn off the television. Put the smart devices down. Video games? Please. Teach your children a healthy lifestyle. Don’t be an obesity statistic. Be better than all that BS that wastes time. You know exactly what you should do.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Most Common Excuses

No. 1: I don’t have time.
Make Time.

Wake up a little earlier than normal a few days per week and get it done. If you plan ahead, you can find the time.

No. 2: I’m too tired.
It will actually give you a boost.

Studies show that regular exercise can improve mood, boost energy levels and enhance your sense of well-being. If you schedule your workout as you do other parts of your life, eventually it will become a habit.

No. 3: I’m not fat, so I don’t need to exercise.
Yes you still do.

Weight loss is primarily about diet; exercise is about internal health and fitness. Studies show life expectancy is connected to cardiovascular exercise and resistance training.

No. 4: I don’t know where to start.
Start as a beginner.

Educate yourself. Work with a personal trainer or coach and identify areas of weakness to start focusing on strengthening.

No. 5: My (name of body part) hurts.
Modify with an injury.

Even though you have limiting conditions as knee or shoulder trouble you still need to move and to strengthen the areas around the injured body part. What you don’t use, you lose!

No. 6: I can’t afford it.
You can’t not afford it!

I bet there are expenses you can cut. – Going out to eat? Drinking? Specialty coffees? Extra things you bought on the fly?
You can usually cut out one bad habit in order to make it affordable whether you use a gym or you exercise at home.

No. 7: I’m too old.
You are never too old to start.
If you can breathe, you can do yoga. The key is to never stop moving. There’s always something you can do. You can modify any exercise and you can always walk!
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Takeout Traps and Tips

The delivery menu. A full meal (or more) brought to your door in 30 minutes or less. No cooking. No cleaning. It’s like going to a fine restaurant, a dream come true. But it can be a nightmare for your figure if you succumb to some of the common pitfalls of deliverable cuisine. Here are some things to keep in mind so you can order your dinner in.

What to watch out for
1. Good things come in small packages. Unfortunately, most delivery food comes in large packages. It’s rare that you can get someone to bring you one or two slices of pizza. You usually get the whole pie. And Chinese and Thai food come in those top-heavy tapered white boxes, so while it may seem you’ve only eaten half a container, you’ve actually gone through most of it. Before you dig, get a plate from your kitchen, and put a serving on your plate and put the rest in the refrigerator for another time. By removing the extra food, you’ll significantly reduce the chance that you’ll power-eat your way through two or three meals’ worth of calories straight out of the container.

2. Don’t eat the “minimum.” One problem with delivery, especially for single people, is that there’s usually a $10.00 or $12.00 minimum. If the entrée you order doesn’t meet the minimum delivery cost, don’t be lured into loading up your order with fatty appetizers or extra desserts just to ensure free delivery. Instead, order two individual-sized entrées and put one in the fridge for tomorrow’s lunch or dinner. You’ll save money on the delivery fee, plus that’s two nights in a row you don’t have to cook. You win!

3. Watch your sides. Your diet’s already in trouble since you have to order a banquet’s worth of food just to get the delivery guy to show up at your door. Don’t get talked into the add-ons like egg rolls, breadsticks, or chicken wings. Don’t let a craving, a phone order-taker, or just plain habit talk you into indulging in these unnecessary extras. Your pizza’s already going to run you roughly 300 calories a slice (and do you honestly expect to stop at just one?); do you really want to add 300 calories’ worth of wings to that?

4. Read the fine print. Look for words and phrases like “steamed,” “boiled,” “all white meat,” etc. Stay away from words like “fried,” “crispy,” “cheese-filled,” “creamy,” etc. Also, some menus include heart icons next to the healthier items—keep an eye out for those!

5. Spice it up. If you can take the heat, sprinkle some hot peppers on your pizza or order your food extra spicy! While some claims that spicy food will boost your metabolism, there are some other benefits to eating the hot stuff. First off, peppers and curries add a lot of flavor without adding sodium, so pick dishes that emphasize spice over salt. Secondly, if your mouth is on fire, you might be encouraged to drink more water to cool you off. In addition, water will help keep you feeling full, which helps a lot with portion control. Avoid drinking high-calorie sodas, beers, or sweet iced tea to put out the fire.

What to order
Most of the restaurants that deliver are local eateries, not national chains. Here are some tips for good things to order and bad things to avoid for three of the most popular categories of restaurant.

• Get steamed. Order steamed rice, not fried, and go with brown rice if they have it—it has extra fiber.
• Veg out. Look for the dishes that are mostly vegetables and are steamed rather than fried. If you order dishes like beef and broccoli, ask them for extra broccoli.
• Soup it up. Egg-drop, wonton, and hot-and-sour soups are good low-cal, low-fat options (although they usually have plenty of sodium). Fill up on some soup and put away half your entrée for later.
• Grease: not the word. Stay away from deep-fried dishes like egg rolls, crispy orange chicken, General Tso’s chicken, sweet-and-sour pork, etc.
• Lay off the sauce. Watch out for sauces made with corn syrup or oil. Request low sauce or no sauce. An order of kung pao chicken seems healthy but it’s sautéed in enough oil that it can have fat with more than an entire day’s worth. If possible, ask how it’s prepared.
• Pass up the salt. Ask for low-salt options. Don’t use the full-sodium soy sauce packets that come with your meal. Instead, invest in your own bottle of low-sodium soy sauce. Also, make sure your restaurant is one of the many that no longer use monosodium glutamate (MSG) in their dishes.
• Switch it up. For dinner combos, see if you can substitute healthier options for the normal items. For example, ask for an extra serving of steamed vegetables instead of the side of starchy chow mein or fried rice.
• A fortune cookie has only 30 calories and no fat, and potentially brings good news or a daily affirmation—treat yourself!

• Don’t pick up that phone. It’s hard to find healthy pizza and it’s much better to make your own.
• More veggies. Load up on veggie toppings like peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, fresh garlic, jalapeños, etc.
• Less fat and/or less cheese. Ask or use low-fat cheese, or ask them to use half the cheese.
• Defeat the meat. Try to stay away from fatty meat toppings like pepperoni, meatballs, and sausage. Instead, try leaner options like Canadian bacon, chicken, or shrimp.
• Bust the crust. Most pizza chains list nutrition info on their Web sites, so make sure you take a look before ordering to ensure the smartest choice. Many places now offer whole wheat crusts and even thin crusts as better options.

• Lighten up. Many of the same tips for Chinese food apply to Thai food as well. Try to get steamed brown rice and lots of vegetables and stay away from heavy sauces and high-sodium dishes.
• Satay is a good option, but try not to use too much of the peanut dipping sauce, if any; that’s where your calories will start to add up.
• Watch the coconut milk. It’s delicious, but usually extremely fattening. Try to look for dishes flavored with ginger, citrus, curry, or chilies instead. Or ask if they can prepare your dish with low-fat coconut milk.
• Hold the milk. Thai restaurants offer a lot of delicious low-fat soups that you can fill up on. They also have some soups that are high in fat because of coconut milk. Try and order soups that don’t include it. And as with all soups, keep an eye on the sodium.
• Thai cuisine includes many salads that are a meal in themselves, such as Yum Nuah (beef salad) or Pla Goong (grilled shrimp salad). Many of these have simple lime juice dressings that are low in fat. But, as with American salads, and ask the restaurant what’s in the dressing or have it on the side.
• Go fish (or tofu). Check out the fish and tofu options. Thai restaurants have lots of dishes that feature seafood and tofu. And if you don’t care for either, the Thai spices might just help you overcome your aversion.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours! Watch this brief video for more info:

Tips for Eating Right for Life

Nutrition is personal, and it can seem very hard when you do not know what works. Read on to get some new ideas from the following tips.

Try to consume whole grains at every meal. Studies have shown that people who choose whole grains over refined carbs tend to be healthier. Some options for you are whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and especially whole wheat bread that you can include in your daily balanced and nutritious diet. By eating whole grains you are providing your body with both the fiber it requires along with nutrients that are not present in refined carbohydrate products.

If you reduce your portion sizes by a quarter at meal time, you will consume less calories during the day. This is a great tip for people who have a tendency to overeat, to decrease portion size and lose weight in a healthy way.

Try eating different types of protein, aside from meat, daily. Protein can come from a variety of delicious foods. You can try eating eggs, peanut butter, tofu, fish, nuts, beans, and more. You might choose to use some of these items as a main dish, or incorporate them into other recipes. Protein should be varied to remain interesting.

You need to eat enough healthy calories for your system to function properly. Eating roughly 2,000 calories of nutritious vegetables, whole grains and proteins is better than eating 2,000 calories of junk food. The types of foods you eat and the quantity you eat are equally important.

Gradually reduce the amount of sugar and sodium that you eat. Your taste buds will become used to this, and sugar and salt cravings will diminish. Your reduced intake of sugar and salt will help you become healthy. Start by making small changes to your diet and you will be less likely to give up on your overall goals.

Make sure your nutrition consists of plenty of lean meats and fish, low fat milk, whole grains and nuts if you care to be healthy. When you incorporate smart food choices into your nutrition, you will enjoy better health.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours! Watch this brief video for more info:

Habits that Could Be Hampering Your Weight Loss Efforts

Some of the things you do — or don’t do — every day might be sabotaging your efforts to be healthier. As you read the list of daily habits, don’t be too hard on yourself and expect that you’ll change all of these at once. The key to success is to slowly integrate change into your life. And if you fall off the wagon occasionally, don’t fret; it’s more important that you get back on.

Not drinking enough water

Water accounts for 60 percent of our body, so it’s not too surprising that drinking water benefits your total body health. How much should you be drinking? One size doesn’t fit all. The best way to know if you’re adequately hydrated is to monitor your urine color: If it’s light yellow (the color of lemonade), that means you’re drinking enough.

Not getting enough exercise

Not only does it keep you looking and feeling great, but exercising regularly can help you lose weight and boost your energy. Exercising regularly also has bigger benefits. It may help you live longer! Additionally, exercise keeps your heart healthy; lowers your risk of some types of chronic disease, improves blood flow to your brain, keeping you sharp; and helps with blood sugar control.

Skimping on sleep

Research shows that it can compromise your immune system, your judgment and your ability to make decisions (you are also more likely to make mistakes) and your heart health. Being sleep-deprived may fuel depression and make it harder for you to lose weight if you’re dieting — and more likely that you’ll give in to that sweet temptation tomorrow. Aim to get around 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night, although there’s no magic number really. Listen to your body and try to get the amount of sleep that your body needs to function at its best.

Getting too much sodium from your foods

Americans, on average, eat about 1,000 milligrams more sodium each day than we should. One of the easiest ways to cut your sodium intake is to cook at home using fresh ingredients. Restaurant foods and processed foods both tend to be very high in sodium.

Choosing a particular food because of a healthy-sounding claim

Think: fat-free, trans-fat-free, gluten-free, etc. If such claims lure you in, know that just because a product lacks fat or gluten doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthier. For example, fat-free products sometimes deliver more sugar than their fat-containing counterparts. And eating certain fat-free foods may even cause you to gain weight

Skipping dessert

You may think you’re doing a good thing by banishing sweet treats, but feeling deprived can trigger overeating. And making any food off-limits just increases your brain to want it mor!. So if it’s something sweet you’re craving, go for it: a small treat won’t break your diet! Two squares of dark chocolate or a cup of (non-premium) ice cream clock in at under 150 calories. Just remember, in moderation.
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele ­ Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Bad Habits That Could be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

Even if you’re making the best food choices most of the time, you could be hampering your weight loss in other ways without even realizing it. How much you sleep, where and when you eat, how organized you are, and how often you exercise are all factors that can impact your ability to lose weight. If you’ve gotten to a point on your weight-loss journey where the scale simply won’t budge, check out these common bad habits and ask yourself if any of them might be standing between you and your weight-loss goal.

You don’t get enough sleep.
Lack of sleep is a huge stressor on the body and puts you at risk for weight gain.. If you’re not getting at least eight hours of quality sleep at night, try hitting the sack earlier. It may help to schedule a bedtime alarm to alert you when it’s time to shut down the computer, turn off the TV and smart phone, and get ready for bed.

You eat your meals in front of a TV or computer screen.
For many Americans, mealtime has become an experience, where cell phones, TVs, MP3 players, computers, tablets, and other gadgets often get in the way of enjoying a meal and spending quality time with family. You might be surprised to learn that taking the time to enjoy your meals without these types of distractions can actually help support your weight-loss efforts, since it curbs the tendency to engage in mindless eating. When you enjoy a meal at your kitchen or dining table and savor every bite, you’ll feel more satisfied and you’ll be less likely to overeat. Stick with your healthy eating plan and start scheduling a distraction-free mealtime routine for you and your family.

You dine out regularly.
Sure, it’s easier to grab a salad out than to prepare one for yourself, but are you aware of all the ingredients going into that takeout salad or into the other meals you don’t eat at home? Dining out and ordering in may be convenient, especially if you have a busy schedule, but if you’re not careful, it can be a recipe for weight gain. When people don’t eat at home, they tend to consume on average 500 more calories per meal than they would if they ate a similar meal at home. When you’re not in control of how your meals are prepared, you’re not only likely to take in more calories but also more bad fats and bad carbs. Make it a habit to cook more of your own meals.

You rarely get any exercise.
Exercise is a sure-fire way to rev up your metabolism and lose weight faster, so if you’re a couch potato and not working out regularly, you’re missing out on major calorie-burning — not to mention health — benefits. And, you don’t need a gym membership to become more active. Interval exercise, in which you alternate between short bursts of intense exercise with easier recovery periods, can be done outdoors or in. You can interval walk or bike around your neighborhood, and if the weather doesn’t permit, climb your stairs or jump rope in your living room in intervals. As a core-strengthening workout, yoga and Pilates are good choices, or you can purchase fitness DVDs such as the ones from Beachbody and message me if you need some recommendations based on your goals (

You’re not organized.
Is your pantry stocked with so many unhealthy snacks that it’s difficult to find a healthy one? Believe it or not, being disorganized can affect your weight loss. Unhealthy foods blocking the way to healthy ones can quickly derail your diet. Other kinds of clutter can also keep you from enjoying distraction-free family meals, a good night’s sleep, or carving out the space you need to do your exercise routine. Schedule a monthly clean-up to remove any unhealthy foods that may have sneaked into your kitchen and make an effort to stay on top of any clutter accumulating in your dining area, living room, bedroom, and basement, too!

You reward yourself with unhealthy food.
Do you typically celebrate your successes with a slice of cake, a box of chocolates, or a bowl of ice cream? Occasionally indulging in a few bites of something decadent just for pure pleasure is acceptable, but regularly rewarding yourself with unhealthy food can really hamper your weight loss. Celebrate by doing something that supports your weight loss and health goals, like getting a massage or buying a new pair of sneakers, a heart-rate monitor or blood pressure cuff, or a set of good knives or grilling tools. Oh, and forget about buying that unhealthy food in the first place! – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

How to Avoid Some Common Diet Pitfalls

It’s natural for us to be less than honest with ourselves about where we’re cheating on our nutritional plans. We work out and have the best of intentions for our daily meals, but we end up falling short of our goals for having a balanced nutritional plan for various reasons. Some of the most common pitfalls can be avoided simply by being aware of them.

1. Stress eating.
I admit that food is comforting—especially comfort food. You know, the mac and cheese; the meatloaf and buttery mashed potatoes; an entire pint of ice cream . . . enough said. But there are so many better ways to beat stress than by eating yourself into a stupor.
Do this instead: Take a walk, read a book/magazine or occupy your mind. Focus on your body and forget the snacks. Try to relax and let the stress drain from your body.

2. Grazing.
Many people have a complete lack of structure to their daily meals—they actually never stop nibbling throughout the day. Grazers have absolutely no set meal times, and end up shutting down their bodies’ natural calorie-burning cycles through the constant eating of fat and calories.

Do this instead: Plan ahead! Pack foods with a low nutritional value, pack healthy snacks for nibbling when you are out and about. Set aside time on the weekend to plan your meals for the week. Make a grocery list of items you will only put in your basket too. By planning ahead and having your pantry stocked, you won’t be reaching for whatever’s near.

3. Unconscious eating.
Eating without paying attention to what you’re doing, or without even realizing that you’re consuming calories.
Do this instead: Keeping a food journal is the best way to determine whether you have unconscious-eating tendencies. It is very easy now with smart phone apps to find one that you can quickly track foods or you can do the old fashion way of pen to paper. It keeps you in check and makes you think twice before having to log it.

4. Double portions.
It’s not just restaurants that are offering us bigger portions to show us the value of their meals; it’s loved ones and friends and ourselves who proudly serve up much more than our bodies need for fuel at mealtime.

Do this instead: Stick with sane portions; listen to your body. Take only what you need and not what you really want.

These pitfalls are all too common but that doesn’t make them any less devastating to our fitness results and our ultimate health goals. Be aware of where you might be defeating yourself, and take some time to form a personal plan to help you avoid these pitfalls on a daily basis. Need extra accountability? Contact me – I would love to be your coach! – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!