Have a Healthier Holiday

We look forward to the holiday season all year long, eager to celebrate with friends and family, attend social events and, of course, enjoy each delectable spreads of food. But too much indulgent eating in a short amount of time can have consequences that last long after!

Get out your calendar
Look at the month ahead and all the holiday meals and parties. Record them in your calendar to be aware of overly tempting food days. Eat lightly at other meals to offset the calories and fat in the party food.

Don’t look at the holidays as a “season”
Doing so causes you to justify more overeating more often. Think of having special treats and large meals only on the actual days you hold your celebration.

Don’t skip meals
Skipping meals often leads to overeating later.

Stay on track
Realize all of the food choices are not going to be the most healthy choices. Enjoy the moment, but then get right back on track. Everything in moderation.

Plan for exercise and activity
A common theme at the holidays is increased food intake and less time for exercise and activity. Schedule time each day to exercise to avoid weight gain. You will feel so much better too!

Work for it
Balance holiday eating with more activity by altering your daily routine. Park farther away from an entrance, use the stairs, and plan shorter time frames for working out so you can squeeze them into busy schedules. Even 15 or 30 minutes of activity is effective. Find ways to increase your steps overall in your daily schedule.

Know your limits
Keep in mind it’s not one or two meals or even one or two days that cause weight gain. It’s usually constant overeating for an extended period of time.

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