More Holiday Tips to Stay on Your Healthy Track

Here are a few tips to live by this holiday season:
Holiday weight gain doesn’t have to be inevitable. People can gain anywhere from one to 10 pounds in the short time period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. This holiday weight gain is completely avoidable if you just adjust your mind-set for the holiday season. Fill up on the healthy stuff, then enjoy those side dishes you consider “must-haves” in moderation. Or, do you just love your mom’s pumpkin cheesecake that she makes only once a year? Plan to eat a small slice for dessert, and skip some of those other fatty dishes that you can live without. For New Year’s Eve, why don’t you offer to be the designated driver? By not drinking, you’ll save yourself calories.

Abandoning your fitness and diet plans for even just a few weeks can be disastrous. Remember how sore you were after your first workout? Think of all the progress you’ve made since then. By taking even just two to three weeks off, you’re setting yourself back and putting yourself at risk of losing the muscle you’ve gained. Plus, once you’ve gotten set in your routine, it’s harder to get back into it after you’ve fallen off track. It takes minimally 21 days to develop a habit! The key to tackling both your fitness and diet plans during the holiday season is to plan to stick to them as much as you can. Granted, you may not be perfect, but you should never throw in the towel. Sure, you may miss a workout because you are traveling or attending a work or family gathering. It’s okay as long as you make sure your workout happens the next day. It’s all about eating your favorite things in moderation and making sure you commit to your workouts whenever you can fit them in.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. The best way to avoid falling completely off track is to plan ahead of time what you’ll eat and when you’ll exercise. Take a look at your week and pencil in your “can’t-miss” events, then see where you can find some extra time for fitness. When it comes to eating clean, the one rule I live by during the holiday season is to avoid attending any event hungry. Always have a satisfying snack beforehand — and, if appropriate, bring along a healthy dish that you can munch on to distract yourself from the calorie-laden items.
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