Change Your Mental Mindset

Your mind controls your body. If your mind is positive, you will be positive, being positive or negative is a choice. Here are some helpful tips that will help change your mental mindset.

1.) Recognize your limits and your strength. Nobody is a jack-of-all- trades. There are things you will without a doubt do well and then there are other things that you won’t do so well and that’s okay. Recognize the areas where you are strong and focus on that.

2.) Change your environment. A neat, clean, organize place or area does wonders for the mind. Creativity flows easily. Create yourself an environment that allows for your mind to be at ease and you at best.

3.) Overcome inhibitors- inhibitors can come in many forms, it can be in the form of substances, food or even people. Whatever is hindering you, bringing you down or holding you back from moving forward seek to eliminate it. Set yourself up for success not failure.

4.) Implement assesses . Execute a plan of action and develop your talent. (hint: everybody on the planet has a talent in something) Have a solution in terms of goals and objectives and incorporate your talents to uniquely get it done. – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Top tips to consider to help meet your Health and Fitness Goals

1. Watch Out For Hidden Sugars and Drinking Your Calories
READ LABELS. Some drinks look healthy but actually contain a lot of sugar. Vitamin Water has 33 grams of sugar in a 20-ounce bottle! Fruit drinks are loaded with sugar as well. Diet soda is not a healthy alternative. AVOID ALL SODA. PERIOD!

Mixed drinks and fruity cocktails have a ton of extra sugar and calories. Keep it clean with alcohol – go for the “skinny” option, red or white wine or tonic water. Limit to 1-2 drinks and save it for the weekends.
With coffee be careful of added sugar, sweeteners, and whipped cream.  A Starbucks Venti Frappuccino has 400 calories and 60 grams of sugar. Yikes!

2. Replace the Thought, “I Can’t” With, “I CAN!”
Keep your thoughts positive and be aware of negative thoughts. Learn to swiftly switch out the negative thought with a positive thought. Instead of, “I will never get the body I want,” replace the thought to, “I will continue to make healthy lifestyle choices and work towards having a healthier body.”

Being optimistic is a learned behavior that requires training.  Everyone experiences failure. Those that succeed view the failure as a temporary situation and take it as an opportunity for GROWTH.  Change your perspective and view the next failure as a chance to take charge!

3. Move Every Day
Increase your physical activity throughout the day by sneaking in extra moves. Examples include: taking the stairs, using the bathroom on a different floor, parking further away, walking or biking places, taking the dog out, doing body weight squats or lunges on a lunch break, dancing when your favorite song comes on, and basically anything that requires a little muscle activity and gets your heart pumping! Ten minutes of exercise is 100% better than no exercise.
Plan your exercise schedule each week and stick to it! Be realistic and set the amount of time you will need for it. Schedule time for cardio, strength training, and flexibility each week. Lay your workout clothes out the night before or pack your gym bag so you are ready.

4. Try Something NEW
Don’t underestimate your strength! Challenging your body in new ways helps recruit more muscle fibers and improves your fitness. You are stronger and more capable than you think. Believe in your strength and determination. If you have been doing the same exercises, your body will get use to it and it won’t be challenging anymore. Find things that challenge you and even your current exercises can always be taken up a notch!

5. Get to Bed on Time
Sleep is SO important! Sleep deprivation actually causes us to eat more and feel less satisfied. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep and stick to a regular bedtime.  Control your stress by focusing on your breath at bedtime and take some deep belly breaths to slow everything down. Try relaxing music and a good book to get your mind and body ready for sleep.  If you find your mind racing at bedtime, jot down your thoughts and your to-do list to allow your mind to quiet down.

6. Set SMART Goals
Goal setting is a powerful tool to inspire change and stay motivated. Writing goals down on paper is a key part of goal setting, as it helps commit to the goal.

SMART goals include:
SPECIFIC – write a detailed goal rather than a broad goal. Example: I will reduce soda intake to one a week vs. I will reduce sugar
MEASURABLE – include an accountable element to the goal to keep track of progress. Example: I will eat 5 veggies a day vs. I will eat more veggies.
ATTAINABLE – make goals that are challenging yet in reach of your abilities.  If you accomplish all your goals easily, make them more challenging! Break up long-term goals into short-term goals to facilitate the progression towards reaching the bigger, life-changing goals.
REALISTIC – write a goal that is relevant to you, inspires you, and is practical for your lifestyle.
TIMELY – setting a date to the desired time of completion is essential, otherwise your well-thought out goals might float around for years.  Set a date you wish to achieve the goal and do your best to stick to it.  Example: I will be able to do 5 pull-ups by December 31st, 2013.

Lastly, allow your goals to be adjustable.  Sometimes life gets in the way of our goals. A sprained ankle, a work trip, a sick kid, you get the idea.  Allow for flexibility within your goals, as you may need to extend the date of the goal or get back on track after a lapse.

Remember, health and happiness is a lifestyle. It is your CHOICE to adopt a healthy lifestyle with nutrition, exercise, and a positive attitude. Follow these Top Tips and you will be on the road to a healthier you!
IG/motivationalcoachingbymichele – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Whether you’ve already reached your weight-loss goal or you’re still on your way, losing weight and keeping it off can be a challenge. You need to follow a lifestyle plan that teaches you how to eat nutritiously, exercise regularly, and improve your overall health. So, even when you hit a weight-loss slump, don’t give up! Follow these motivating tips to get yourself back on track. Stand by your goals and re-affirm your commitment to achieving better health and fitness for life.

1. Surround yourself with positive people. Think back to the time when you started your weight-loss journey. Do you remember enlisting the support and advice of family and friends? You’ll continue to need their support, even after losing the weight. Those closest to you can encourage and inspire you to make healthy decisions during challenging times. Sometimes, offering your own advice to other people who are trying to lose weight will help you stay accountable to your own goals and inspire you to stay committed.

2. Be creative. Changing up your food choices and recipes will not only help prevent mealtime boredom, but it will also keep you on the right track. Otherwise, your eating routine could just end up being, well, routine. One of your goals should be to introduce new nutritious, appetizing foods and preparation methods into your weekly meal plans. Aim to try one new vegetable a week and experiment with different ways of preparing basic seafood, meat, or poultry dishes. Have you tried stir-steaming? Have you used a ridged stovetop grill pan?

3. Set realistic weight-loss goals. Studies show that while crash dieting can result in quick weight loss, it ultimately leads to more weight gain over time. To help you stay on a healthy path as you shed excess pounds and maintain your weight loss, set realistic goals. With a gradual weight-loss plan safely losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is best. Make the right food choices most of the time, and you’ll keep the weight off.

4. Reward yourself. Every success counts — big or small. So whether you’ve decided to get off the couch, quit smoking,or kick another unhealthy habit, it’s important to reward yourself for your achievements. Instead of using food as a reward, treat yourself to other things that help you feel good about yourself, such as new workout clothes or a new (tighter) pair of jeans. Acknowledging your successes will boost your mood and provide you with momentum to attain your goals.

5. Take a challenge. Join a Beachbody Challenge that I run each month. My challenges will teach you how to adopt an array of healthy habits for both exercise and nutrition, along with motivation and accountability to reach your goals. In addition, as a participant in one of our Challenges, you’ll receive helpful advice and support from our Community Message Boards where you can connect with others too. – Interested in a home based business? Learn more about Beachbody coaching and helping others stay motivated and accountable to reach their goals while you are also reaching yours!

Focus on the Positive

Instead of focusing on improving all your shortcomings, commit to living a happier life. Here’s a list of simple things to focus on in the New Year:

• Get more sleep. The biggest thing you can do to live a healthier, happier life is to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Your body desperately needs this important downtime to repair itself and properly regulate your concentration, creativity, mood and productivity.

• Read more. It keeps your brain active, expands your vocabulary, broadens your horizons and improves concentration, comprehension and focus. But the real reason to read is it’s relaxing, it’s fun and it gives you a much-needed and well-deserved escape from reality (and sets a great example for the kids).

• Adopt an attitude of gratitude. Keep a journal of all the things that are good in your life. Spend some time getting your list started then add to it whenever you think of something. Read a few every morning before you start your day to get it going on the right foot.

• Complain less. Technically, complaining doesn’t do much for you. Constantly complaining can make you feel depressed, prevent you from finding a solution that will improve the situation, and it can turn you into one of those pessimistic people your friends have resolved to stay away from.

• Learn something new every day. Whether it’s a new word, how to do something on your smart phone, or a silly piece of trivia, learning keeps your brain active, boosts confidence, and makes you a more interesting conversationalist at parties.

• Give a compliment every day. It’s a powerful thing, the ability to make someone’s day. So why not give a sincere compliment the next time you notice an older child helping a younger one, you appreciate the attentive service you get at a store, or you admire the piece of clothing a complete stranger is wearing. Selfishly, by making someone else feel good will make you feel good, too.

• Forgive yourself and others. Just like you can’t truly love another until you love yourself, you can’t truly forgive another until you extend yourself the same courtesy. Realize no one is perfect, forgive yourself your mistakes, ask others to do the same and live a happier life.

Embrace your weight loss

Weight loss is never easy. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it can’t be inspiring. It is extremely important to apprach losing weight as a positive, life changing experience, You are reinventing yourself. Educate yourself about the benefits of exercising and push yourself to try new and helathy foods. If you approach weight loss in a positive way, you will only see positive results! Keep working hard and love the new, healthier you that you have started to become!