Stress Busters

Here are 8 super quick easy ways to help you de-stress when all you have is 10 seconds.

1. Deep breaths. Sometimes all you have time for is a deep breath—sometimes that’s all you need. Inhale for five seconds, filling up your lungs to full capacity. As you take your breath in, allow your belly to expand outward. To exhale, open up your mouth and empty your lungs.

2. Laugh out loud. Have you ever had a really good laugh that brought tears to your eyes? Afterwards it feels like you have taken 20 deep breaths of fresh, pure mountain air. That’s because laughter is known to release the “happy chemicals” dopamine and endorphins in your system. Subscribe to some feeds for a laugh of the day.

3. Put a smile on your face. The simple act of smiling releases chemicals that not only reduce stress but also promote a healthy immune system. When you smile at someone they typically smile back—also a great stress reliever and positive reinforcement for you to smile more.

4. Aromatherapy. Lavender odorants are associated with significant levels of reduced stress. You can purchase a little jar of lavender oils or a little sachet at most health food stores. It’s easy to keep in your purse, car, office, or home. Bring it close to your nose, take a deep breath in, and breathe out the tension and stress in your body.

5. Give someone a compliment. It doesn’t take very long to find something good in another. It takes your mind off of your stresses. The great thing about this is the more often you do it, the easier it gets. Who knows, you may be able to throw out two compliments in 10 seconds if you keep it up.

6. Five jumping jacks. One way to take control of the stress in your life is through physical activity. Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries. Research proves time and time again that one of the best behavioral techniques to combat stress and anxiety is to engage in physical activity. If you only have 10 seconds, jumping jacks are the perfect full-body movement to sneak in. Jump away.

7. Kiss someone. Kissing and touching loved ones help you feel connected, safe, and less stressed.

8. SCREAM!!!! YELL your loudest. When you feel like you just can’t take it any longer let out a loud SCREAM! Whether we are conscious of our own stress or not, screaming is a great way to release tension. So get out there and SCREAM!
Often times it’s hard to know how you feel. People survive their busy lives by living on autopilot, zoned out, not even remembering how they got home from work. Consumed with this stressful life, we sometimes go days without realizing that our shoulders are big rocks sitting next to our ears. The key to combating stress is to be aware of your body and how it feels. Check in with yourself several times throughout the day—even more on high stress level days. Integrate some of these simple 10 second stress busters and you’re on your way to a calmer, happier, and healthier you.
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